This is mostly for my neice, Kathryn. She is just the cricut world. We gave her one for Christmas.
As for as demintionals (as you put it--to raise up elements) I have used most of them, but because I use them on most my cards, I make my own.
I use the Xyron 150 1.5" Create-a-Sticker

You use to be able to get this at Walmart, but Hobby Lobby, Michael's and Jo-Ann's should have them too and they have coupons--(check the internet--and our Jo-Ann's honors the competitors coupons). Get the refill that is permenant tape.
I get a foam sheet--about letter-size with adhesive on one side--I get this at Michaels. I then cut a row that will fit in the little Xyron. Make sure you have the side that doesn't have a peel-off adhesive going into the machine so it gets the adhesive. I use to use a hole punch to make round pop-ups--but it was a pain--I just use scissors to cut them. The Xyron machine should be about $10 and the foam sheets w/adhesive runs about a buck apiece--don't to wild--they last a LONG time.
I have an ATG 714 adhesive 'gun'.

They have a new one a little smaller and they sell it at Michaels (around $40) but with coupon, might get it cheaper--have to check coupon to make sure you can use it.

Otherwise you can order one on this web-site--they are one of the cheapest I can find and very fast service.
I buy a case of tape at a time (12 rolls)of the Gold--been told it holds better. I think they can use the same tape.
3M 908 GOLD 1/4"x 36 yds.
Most popular
It's like $45 plus shipping--we could split one if you want--that's the cheapest I've found it. One roll lastest me about a week and a half to two weeks--but I make 2-6 cards a day about 5 days a week and I decorate the inside of my cards too.
If I need a liquid glue I use one of two:
Scotch It's like an elmers--but doesn't make a "buckle" in the card after drying--use this for smaller pieces--not for the whole card.

I use 2 way zig pens--this is my favorite---I would start with the 'pen' size one first--they are about $2-$3.

I'll post more later.